Tuesday, June 21, 2011
CH-47D Chinook
A CH-47D Chinook lifts off from Kandahar Airfield in southern Afghanistan at the start of a combat resupply mission. The resupply missions are vital to the ability of forward operating bases (FOB) to maintain a presence in isolated areas and provide security for local Afghan communities. (Photo: Australia DoD)
CH-47D Chinook
CH-47D Chinook
Two Australian Army Air Dispatchers, from Air Movements Training and Development Unit (AMTDU) at RAAF Base Richmond, hook up a Drum Fuel Collapsible (DRC) load to the Australian Army's 5th Aviation Regiment (5AVN REGT) MRH-90 A40-004 during an external load trail conducted by the MRH Project Office (MRHPO) and the Air Movements Training and Development Unit (AMTDU). (Photo: Australia DoD)
Two Australian Army Air dispatchers, from Air Movements Training and Development Unit (AMTDU) at RAAF Base Richmond, hook up a 105mm Hamel gun to MRH-90 helicopter A40-007, from the Australian Army's 5th Aviation (5AVN REGT), during an external load trail conducted by the MRH Project Office (MRHPO) and the Air Movements Training and Development Unit (AMTDU). (Photo: Australia DoD)
CH-124 Sea King
CH-124 Sea King
CH-124 Sea King
CH-124B Sea King
CH-124 Sea King
CH-124 Sea King
CH-149 Cormorant
A CH-149 Cormorant with members of 442 squadron performing the fixed wing maritime event during Search and Rescue Exercise (SAREX) 10. SAREX 10 highlights Search and Rescue (SAR) role and capabilities to internal, external and host community audiences. The National Search and Rescue Exercise (SAREX) is a yearly opportunity for members of the Canadian Forces SAR community to come together to standardize and evaluate their skills through an exercise involving nearly 200 participants and to showcase the SAR expertise to Canadians. For the first time in National SAREX history, the exercise will take place in the Canadian North - Whitehorse, Yukon. (Photo: DND-MDN Canada/Cpl Darcy Lefebvre)